Aerial View of Ocean Waves by the Seashore


Blue Immersion

Blue Energy for Blue Economy Experiential Learning


Welcome to Orkney, the living laboratory and heart of sustainable island development!

As a pioneer in marine energy, we are proud to showcase our innovative and sustainable practices to visitors from around the world. Our beautiful archipelago is home to cutting-edge technologies and world-class research institutions that are shaping the future of renewable energy. From tidal and wave power to offshore wind, Orkney is at the forefront of the blue economy, a sector that promises to create jobs, reduce carbon emissions, and support sustainable development.

We invite you to explore our islands, meet our people, and learn about our unique approach to energy and sustainability. Together, we can build a brighter future for all.


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Experiential learning of blue energy for blue economy in Orkney offers a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience with renewable energy technologies and their application in a real-world setting. Orkney's rich natural resources and innovative approach to sustainable energy make it an ideal location for this type of training.

Through immersive learning experiences, participants can gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities associated with the blue economy, including tidal and wave energy, aquaculture, and offshore wind. Participants can engage with local experts and industry professionals, witness the deployment of marine renewable energy devices, and learn about the policy and regulatory frameworks that support the development of the blue economy. This experiential learning approach provides a holistic understanding of blue energy and its role in driving economic growth and environmental sustainability.

Telephone: +44 (0) 1856 850 088





Dr Gareth Davies

Group CEO

Gaynor Jones

Business & Sustainable Development Director

Dr Leuserina Garniati Business Development Lead

Expert Consultant

Ian Johnstone

Expert Consultant Director

Agung Iswadi


PhD Researcher

Rebecca Shanks Consultant

Victoria Lindqvist

Junior Consultant

Telephone: +44 (0) 1856 850 088



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Site visits offer a unique opportunity to witness cutting-edge technologies and sustainable practices in action. Visitors can see first-hand the deployment of marine renewable energy devices, including tidal and wave power generators, and learn about their operation and maintenance. In addition, visits to aquaculture facilities, tourism-based blue economy markets, harbours, and marine energy installation sites provide insights into the economic and environmental benefits of these industries. Orkney's rich natural resources and innovative approach to sustainable energy make it an ideal location for site visits related to blue energy and blue economy. Visitors can engage with local experts and industry professionals, learn about the policy and regulatory frameworks that support the development of the blue economy, and witness the positive impact of renewable energy on local communities.

Courtesy of EMEC - taken by Colin Keldie

Billia Croo

The EMEC grid-connected wave test site was constructed in 2003, and is ideally placed on the western edge of the Orkney mainland, at Billia Croo outside Stromness. .The site consists of five cabled test berths in up to 70m water depth (four at 50m, one deeper), located approximately 2km offshore and 0.5km apart. In addition to this, a near shore berth is situated closer to the substation for shallow water projects.

Courtesy of EMEC

Fall of Warness

Our grid-connected tidal test site at the Fall of Warness is situated just west of the island of Eday - lying in a narrow channel between the Westray Firth and Stronsay Firth. The site was chosen for its high velocity marine currents which reach almost 4m/sec (7.8 knots) at spring tides. As tides flow from the North Atlantic Ocean to the North Sea, they quicken as they are funneled through Orkney's northern islands.

Taken from Marine Scotland

Shapinsay Sound

In addition to EMEC’s grid-connected sites, EMEC also offers real-sea test sites in the less challenging conditions of Scapa Flow and Shapinsay Sound. These sites provide a more flexible sea space helping close the gap from tank testing, and acting as a stepping stone towards larger scale projects. Such accessible real sea testing enables marine energy developers and suppliers to learn lessons more cheaply, reducing the need for big vessels or large plant.

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Standing Stones

The standing stones have long fascinated people all over the world. These ancient monuments, scattered across the countryside, offer a glimpse into the lives and beliefs of our ancestors. Today, standing stones have become a popular tourism attraction, drawing visitors from far and wide who want to experience the magic and mystery of these structures. n the context of the blue economy, standing stones can be seen as a valuable tourism asset that can contribute to opportunities for economic growth and job creation in the sector.

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Ring of Brodgar

The Ring of Brodgar is a prehistoric stone circle located in Orkney, Scotland. As a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it is a popular tourist destination and a valuable asset in the blue economy sector. The site attracts visitors from around the world who come to explore the ancient history and cultural significance of the stones. This creates opportunities for local businesses to provide tourism-related services, such as accommodations, transportation, food and beverage, and souvenirs. Additionally, the site can serve as a platform for educational and research opportunities, providing a deeper understanding of the history and geology of the area.

Taken from - taken by Kenny Lam

Skara Brae

Skara Brae is a prehistoric village located on the west coast of Mainland, Orkney. The village was buried under sand for thousands of years until it was discovered in the 19th century. It is considered one of the most well-preserved ancient settlements in Europe and a UNESCO World Heritage site. In recent years, Skara Brae has become a popular tourist destination, attracting visitors from all over the world. Visitors can explore the village and see the stone structures and furnishings that were used by the villagers thousands of years ago. Skara Brae's popularity as a tourist destination has provided a boost to the local economy, particularly in the tourism industry

Taken from - taken by Colin Keldie

Burgar Hill

Burgar Hill is a prominent hill located in the Orkney Islands, Scotland. It is known for its wind turbines and its contribution to the renewable energy sector. The Burgar Hill Wind Farm was established in 1981 and was one of the earliest wind farms in the United Kingdom.The wind farm has played a crucial role in the development of renewable energy in Orkney, providing a source of clean, renewable energy for the local community. It has also contributed to the growth of the renewable energy sector in Scotland and the United Kingdom, as a whole. The success of the Burgar Hill Wind Farm has paved the way for the development of other wind farms and renewable energy projects in Orkney, such as the European Marine Energy Centre and the tidal energy projects in the Pentland Firth.

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Scapa Flow

Scapa Flow is a natural harbour located in the Orkney Islands, Scotland. The harbour has a long and storied history, and has been used as a naval base for centuries. During both World War I and World War II, Scapa Flow was a key strategic location for the British Navy, as it provided a safe anchorage for ships and submarine.e local community has recognised the potential for Scapa Flow to contribute to the blue economy. Efforts are underway to promote sustainable tourism in the area, and to develop new opportunities for marine-based industries such as fishing and aquaculture. In recent years, there has also been a growing interest in the potential for renewable energy production in Scapa Flow

Taken from - taken by Colin Keldie

Churchill Barriers

The Churchill Barriers are a series of causeways and barriers in the Orkney Islands that were constructed during World War II. The barriers connect the mainland of Orkney with the islands of South Ronaldsay, Burray, and Lamb Holm, creating a series of causeways that helped protect the naval base at Scapa Flow during the war. The barriers were constructed using a variety of materials, including concrete, metal, and stone, and they have since become an iconic feature of Orkney's landscape. In recent years, the Churchill Barriers have also become an important site for renewable energy development

Taken from Pinterest

Pentland Firth

Pentland Firth is a strait located between the north coast of mainland Scotland and the Orkney Islands, separating the Atlantic Ocean to the west from the North Sea to the east. It is known for its strong tides and fast-moving currents, which make it a prime location for tidal and wave energy generation. The Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Marine Energy Park was established in 2010, with the aim of accelerating the development of marine energy projects in the region. The park includes 13 test and demonstration sites for marine energy devices, as well as a grid-connected tidal test site located in the waters off the island of EMEC (European Marine Energy Centre) in Orkney.

Telephone: +44 (0) 1856 850 088





These thematic workshops provide a comprehensive overview of the various aspects of blue energy and blue economy, from market analysis to project development to environmental and social impact assessment. Participants will benefit from expert presentations and roundtable discussions, which provide a holistic and in-depth understanding of blue energy and blue economy, and equip participants with the knowledge and skills to drive sustainable development in their respective fields.

Blue Fishing Boat
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Workshop Session 1 focuses on blue energy markets and end users, offering insights into the demand and potential for marine renewable energy technologies.

Environmental Resource Concept
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Workshop Session 3 presents case studies on environmental and social impact assessments.

Close Up of Graphs with Pen and Calculator
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Workshop Session 2 delves into the economics and supply chain of blue energy, highlighting the challenges and opportunities of developing a sustainable and cost-effective industry.

Colorful Sticky Notes on a Cork Board
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Workshop Session 4 explores the project development process, from concept to implementation,

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Workshop Session 5 focuses on the opportunities and development potential of the blue economy.

Lagoon with azure turquoise water and coral reefs
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Workshop Session 6 explores the concept of blue carbon and its role in the blue economy.

Colorful Hand Illustration
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Workshop Session 7 highlights the importance of gender equality and social inclusion in the blue economy

Cryptocurrency Coins on Scales
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Workshop Session 8 offers options evaluations based on projected economic value over time and space.

Telephone: +44 (0) 1856 850 088





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Tri Vicca Kusumadewi, ST. MSc

(Mechanical Engineering)

Dr. Yeyes Mulyadi

(Ocean Engineering)

Dr. Trika Pitana

(Marine Engineering)

Dr. Atok Setiyawan

(Mechanical Engineering)

Dr. Beny Cahyono

(Marine Engineering)

Murdjito, MSc., Eng

(Ocean Engineering)

Dr. Zeni Rahmawati


Juniarko Prananda, ST. MT

(Marine Engineering)

Irfan Syarif Arief, ST. MT

(Marine Engineering)

Dr. Nurhadi Siswantoro

(Marine Engineering)

Telephone: +44 (0) 1856 850 088







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Old Academy Business Centre




KW16 3AW

Telephone: +44 (0) 1856 850 088



Agung Iswadi:

Rebecca Shanks: